Cast of
Hang on a Minute Mate!

About Hang on a Minute Mate!

  • Released on January 01, 1982

"In this film two Kiwi larrikins, Sam and Jack (Alan Jervis and Pork Pie's Kelly Johnson) go on a road trip, seemingly fuelled by blokey banter. A pit stop at Hokonui Pub leads to shenanigans with a stolen road roller, varied shaggy dog stories and jail, before Sam has to return to the dreaded missus. The characters and scenarios were adapted from two of Barry Crump's novels featuring anti-hero Sam Cash: Hang on a Minute Mate and There and Back." -

Full Cast of Hang on a Minute Mate!

Alan Jervis Wilks
plays Sam Cash

Kelly Johnson
plays Jack Liburn

Crew of Hang on a Minute Mate!

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