Cast and Crew of Funny Bones

Cast of
Funny Bones

About Funny Bones

  • Released on September 20, 1995
  • Comedy

Tommy Fawkes wants to be a successful comedian. After his Las Vegas debut is a failure, he returns to Blackpool where his father—also a comedian—started, and where he spent the summers of his childhood.

Full Cast of Funny Bones

Oliver Platt
plays Tommy Fawkes

Jerry Lewis
plays George Fawkes

Jerry Lewis as George Fawkes

Jerry Lewis (March 16, 1926 - August 20, 2017) was an American comedian, actor, film producer, writer, film director ...

See Jerry Lewis's other roles

Lee Evans
plays Jack Parker

Leslie Caron
plays Katie Parker

Richard Griffiths
plays Jim Minty

Richard Griffiths as Jim Minty

Richard Thomas Griffiths (31 July 1947 – 28 March 2013) was an English actor of film, television, and stage. For his ...

See Richard Griffiths's other roles

Oliver Reed
plays Dolly Hopkins

George Carl
plays Thomas Parker

Freddie Davies
plays Bruno Parker

Ruta Lee
plays Laura Fawkes

Ian McNeice
plays Stanley Sharkey

Ian McNeice as Stanley Sharkey

Ian McNeice (born 2 October 1950) is a prolific English screen, stage, and television character actor. Description a...

See Ian McNeice's other roles

William Hootkins
plays Al

William Hootkins as Al

William Michael Hootkins was born on July 5, 1948, in Dallas, Texas. He moved to London, England in the early '70s an...

See William Hootkins's other roles

Terence Rigby
plays Billy Mann

Christopher Greet
plays Laurence Berger

Ticky Holgado
plays Battiston

Olivier Py
plays Barre

Mouss Zouheyri
plays Poquelin

Peter Gunn
plays Nicky

Richard Platt
plays Bellows

Peter McNamara
plays Canavan

Gavin Millar
plays Steve Campbell

François Domange
plays Pirard

Peter Pamela Rose
plays Jenny

George Khan
plays Francesco

Harold Nicholas
plays Hal Dalzell

Peter Morgan
plays Gofor

Nicholas Coppin
plays Policeman

Phil Atkinson
plays Policeman

George Raistrick
plays Club Owner

Ruth Kettlewell
plays Camilla Powell

Sadie Corre
plays Poodle Lady

Fred Evans
plays Mr Pearce

Rusty Goffe
plays Bagpipe Playing Dwarf

Tony Barton
plays Comedian

Reg Griffiths
plays Reporter

Duggie Chapman
plays Reporter

Andy Rashleigh
plays Reporter

Tony Peers
plays Reporter

Peter Martin
plays Skipper

Fred Cox
plays Cox Twin

Frank Cox
plays Cox Twin

Anthony Irvine
plays Iceman

Eileen Bell
plays Doggydou

Benji Ming
plays Plastic Cup Smasher

Chloe Treend
plays Tropicana Dancer

Andrea Bretherick
plays Tropicana Dancer

Lisa Henson
plays Tropicana Dancer

Rebecca Metcalfe
plays Tropicana Dancer

Camilla Simson
plays Tropicana Dancer

Tina Yoxall
plays Tropicana Dancer

Amir Fawzi
plays Little Tommy

Frank Harvey
plays Backward Talking Man

Brian Webb
plays Little Firewater

Andy Thompson
plays Leo the Leprechaun

Peter Brande
plays Leo the Leprechaun

Terri Carol
plays Paper Tearer

Shane Robinson
plays Bastard Son of Louis XIV

Maudie Blake
plays Musical Saw Player

Zipporah Simon
plays Puppeteer

Phil Kelly
plays Himself

Mike Newman
plays Comedian

Jona Jones
plays Security Guard

Micky Baker
plays Mayor

Ian Rowe
plays Ringmaster

Laci Endresz Jr.
plays Juggler

Andras Banlaki
plays Ring Boy

Crew of Funny Bones

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