Cast and Crew of Eye of the Cat

Cast of
Eye of the Cat

About Eye of the Cat

  • Released on June 18, 1969
  • Horror

A man and his girlfriend plan to rob the mansion of the man's eccentric but wealthy aunt. However, the aunt keeps dozens of cats in her home, and the man is deathly afraid of cats.

Full Cast of Eye of the Cat

Michael Sarrazin
plays Wylie

Gayle Hunnicutt
plays Kassia Lancaster

Eleanor Parker
plays Aunt Danny

Tim Henry
plays Luke

Tim Henry as Luke

Tim Henry was born on August 3, 1944 and is currently 79 years old.

See Tim Henry's other roles

Laurence Naismith
plays Dr. Mills

Jennifer Leak
plays Poor Dear

Linden Chiles
plays Bendetto

Mark Herron
plays Bellemonde

Annabelle Garth
plays Socialite

plays Cat

Crew of Eye of the Cat

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