The story begins when Geki Red battles Nunchaku Banki after returning from his trip around the world for Natsume's birthday, with Geki Yellow and Geki Blue arriving to provide backup. After sending the Gekirangers into another dimension, the Go-ongers arrive before the Savage Machine Beast departs after his quarry. After clearing a misunderstanding with Geki Violet and Geki Chopper, the two bring them to SCRTC to see Master Xia Fu, with Hant revealing he met Miki at one of his past jobs at the Kyoryuya Curry Shop.
Kenji Hamada (浜田 賢二, Hamada Kenji) is a male Japanese voice actor from Fukuoka, Japan who is an affiliate of Mausu Pr...
See Kenji Hamada's other roles →Kiyoyuki Yanada (born May 10, 1965) is a Japanese voice actor, affiliated with 81 Produce.
See Kiyoyuki Yanada's other roles →Tomomichi Nishimura (西村 知道, Nishimura Tomomichi, June 2, 1946) is a Japanese voice actor and actor. He is from Chiba ...
See Tomomichi Nishimura's other roles →Hisao Egawa (江川 央生, Egawa Hisao, September 13, 1962) is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and narrator. He is from Tokyo...
See Hisao Egawa's other roles →Soichiro Hoshi (保志 総一朗, Hoshi Sōichirō) is a Japanese voice actor. He uses the name Takeshi Aiba (相庭 剛志) for his adu...
See Soichiro Hoshi's other roles →Mitsuaki Madono (真殿 光昭) is a Japanese voice actor who was born in Osaka, Japan. He's known for voicing characters who...
See Mitsuaki Madono's other roles →Hidenari Ugaki (宇垣 秀成, Ugaki Hidenari, July 25, 1963) is a Japanese voice actor and actor from Tokyo. He is a attache...
See Hidenari Ugaki's other roles →Akira Ishida (石田 彰, Ishida Akira, November 2, 1967) is a Japanese voice actor and actor from Nisshin, Aichi. He is af...
See Akira Ishida's other roles →Daisuke Namikawa is a Japanese actor, voice actor and singer. He is sometimes mistaken for fellow voice actor Daisuke...
See Daisuke Namikawa's other roles →Ichiro Nagai (永井 一郎 Nagai Ichirō, May 10, 1931 – January 27, 2014) was a Japanese voice actor from Ikeda, Osaka. He w...
See Ichiro Nagai's other roles →