Cast of
Demon in the Bottle

About Demon in the Bottle

Four teenagers find a lost treasure buried by a 18th century pirate on a desert island. But they accidentally release the monster who lives inside a bottle, keeping the treasure.

Full Cast of Demon in the Bottle

Ashley Tesoro
plays Amanda

Michael Malota
plays Russell

Rahi Aziz
plays Freddy

Michael Dubrow
plays Marvin

Franklin A. Vallette
plays Bald Pirate

Lucian Cojocaru
plays One-eyes Pirate

Petre Constantin
plays Derelict

Randall William Cook
plays Pirate Captain / Mr. Lambert / Voice of the Guardian

Randall William Cook (born 1951) is an American special effects artist most known for The Lord of the Rings trilogy. ...

See Randall William Cook's other roles

Michael Walters
plays Creature / Cannonball Catcher

Crew of Demon in the Bottle

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