Ritsuka Tachibana is a female second-year high school student who attends Shiko Academy in Shiko Town. She enjoyed her school life while living with her mother Maria, but one day, that balance fell into ruin when she discovers several of her attractive, male classmate are demons.
Daisuke Hirakawa is a Japanese voice actor. He uses name Tatsuya Hirai when appearing in adult games.
Soma Saito (斉藤 壮馬, Saitō Sōma) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81Produce.
Subaru Kimura was born June 29, 1990 in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany as Subaru Samuel Bartsch (昴・サミュエル・バーチュ). He is an ac...
Takashi Kondo (近藤 隆, Kondō Takashi, May 12, 1979) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and singer from Okazaki City, A...
Wataru Hatano is a Japanese voice actor and singer affiliated with 81 Produce. At the 2nd Seiyu Awards in 2008, Hatan...
Hibiku Yamamura is a Japanese voice actress and singer. As a solo singer, she uses the name hibiku. She is affiliated...