Cast of

About Crumbs

  • Released on March 03, 2021
  • Horror

After his mother remarries an abusive man, a young boy summons an imaginary clown who helps him deal with the traumas of his young life.

Full Cast of Crumbs

Jeff Gladstone
plays Harvey

Jeff Gladstone as Harvey

Jeff Gladstone is an actor and composer, known for Drawing Home (2016), The Killing (2011) and Motive (2013).

See Jeff Gladstone's other roles

Zebastin Borjeau
plays Shylo Graves

Stephanie Izsak
plays Gia Graves

Stephanie Izsak as Gia Graves

Stephanie is a Canadian actor, writer, and director based in Vancouver, British Columbia. After earning a BFA in thea...

See Stephanie Izsak's other roles