Cast and Crew of Circus of Fear

Cast of
Circus of Fear

About Circus of Fear

  • Released on April 29, 1966

A circus becomes the location for stolen loot and murder.

Full Cast of Circus of Fear

Christopher Lee
plays Gregor

Christopher Lee as Gregor

Christopher Lee was an English actor and musician. Lee initially portrayed villains and became famous for his role as...

See Christopher Lee's other roles

Leo Genn
plays Inspector Elliott

Anthony Newlands
plays Barberini

Heinz Drache
plays Carl

Eddi Arent
plays Eddie

Klaus Kinski
plays Manfred Hart

Margaret Lee
plays Gina

Suzy Kendall
plays Natasha

Cecil Parker
plays Sir John

Victor Maddern
plays Mason

Maurice Kaufmann
plays Mario

Lawrence James
plays Manley

Tom Bowman
plays Jackson

Skip Martin
plays Mr. Big

Nosher Powell
plays Red

Crew of Circus of Fear

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