Cast of
Cameo by Night

About Cameo by Night

  • Released on July 12, 1987

Failed TV pilot about Jennifer, a police secretary who goes undercover as rock fan Cameo to search the music scene for a serial killer who preys upon teens at music venues. Her handler is police detective Bellflower.

Full Cast of Cameo by Night

Sela Ward
plays Jennifer / Cameo

Sela Ward as Jennifer / Cameo

Sela Ward (born July 11, 1956) is an American movie and television actress, producer, author, and former model. She ...

See Sela Ward's other roles

Justin Deas
plays Detective Bellflower

Thomas Ryan
plays Sorry Eddie

David Graf
plays Detective Kraxburger

Michael Greene
plays Captain Uroff

Mary Jo Deschanel
plays Mrs. Schwinn

Stephen Shellen
plays Larry Willard

Brian Brophy
plays Slick

Brian Brophy as Slick

Brian Brophy was born on March 20, 1959 and is currently 65 years old.

See Brian Brophy's other roles

Michael Francis Clarke
plays First Deputy

Scott Coffey
plays Gordon Schwinn

Russell Curry
plays Bob White

Kaz Garas
plays Red

Bert Hinchman
plays Security Guard

Tim Jones
plays Detective Hudgins

George Kirby
plays Gruddy

Art LaFleur
plays Pinky

Dennis A. Pratt
plays First Hood

Tim Thomerson
plays Damon Rhoades

Crew of Cameo by Night

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