Cast and Crew of C'è tempo

Cast of
C'è tempo

About C'è tempo

  • Released on March 07, 2019
  • Comedy

After the death of his estranged father, professional rainbow-watcher Stefano finds out he has a 13-year-old half-brother, and that he must become his legal guardian to receive the inheritance.

Full Cast of C'è tempo

Stefano Fresi
plays Stefano

Simona Molinari
plays Simona

Giovanni Fuoco
plays Giovanni

Francesca Zezza
plays Francesca

Sergio Pierattini
plays Bank manager

Sergio Pierattini as Bank manager

Sergio Pierattini was born on July 27, 1958 and is currently 65 years old.

See Sergio Pierattini's other roles

Laura Efrikian
plays Stefano's mother

Silvia Gallerano
plays Luciana

Shi Yang
plays Hotel concierge

Max Tortora
plays Carabiniere

Anna Billò
plays Judge

Giovanni Benincasa
plays Chinaglio

Jean-Pierre Léaud
plays Self

Crew of C'è tempo

Discover the backstage crew of C'è tempo →