Biker Mice from Mars is a science fiction action animated series created by Rick Ungar that began airing in 1993 in the United States and lasted for three seasons before it was cancelled. It follows three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie who escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland and to one day return to Mars. The mice's signature weapons consist of a cestus and a laser, a bionic arm, and flares. Despite the frequent battles, no blood is shown, no firearms are used and many villains are monsters, aliens, and robots. These elements allowed the show to still be considered suitable for children.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Robert Fredrick "Rob" Paulsen III (born March 11, 1956), sometimes credited...
Ian Andrew Ziering is an American actor and voice actor best known for his role as Steve Sanders on the television se...
Brad Garrett (born April 14, 1960) is an American actor, voice actor, and stand-up comedian. He is best known for Eve...
William Morgan Sheppard (August 24, 1932 - January 6, 2019), sometimes credited as W. Morgan Sheppard, was a British ...
Mark Richard Hamill (born September 25, 1951) is an American actor, voice artist, producer, director, and writer. Ham...
Brian Austin Green (born July 15, 1973) is an American actor. He is best known for his portrayal of David Silver on B...
Luke Perry (born Coy Luther Perry III; October 11, 1966 – March 4, 2019) was an American actor. Perry starred as Dyl...
Jennifer Eve "Jennie" Garth is an American actress and film director, best known for starring as Kelly Taylor through...