Cast of
Basile H

About Basile H

  • Released on September 28, 2014

When CEO Basile H. returns from a business trip, nothing can foil the growth of his success, so it seems. He is mentioned for a high-ranking position in Frankfurt, he has a well-to-do wife who waits for him and he lives in a beautiful residence in the woods. Then, his lawyer calls him with the announcement that a complaint has been filed against him by a waitress that he took to his hotel room the night before. Basile trusts he will win this time, too. But the dies are cast differently than he thinks.

Full Cast of Basile H

Hans Dagelet

Hans Dagelet

Hans Dagelet was born on May 9, 1945 and is currently 79 years old.

See Hans Dagelet's other roles

Marieke Heebink

Willem Voogd

Carolien Spoor

Lucy Schut

Hajo Bruins

Barbara Sloesen

Crew of Basile H

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