Cast of
Back to the 2015 Future

About Back to the 2015 Future

  • Released on October 21, 2015

Full Cast of Back to the 2015 Future

Tyler Dunivan
plays Marty McFly

Ricky Dean Logan
plays Data

Darlene Vogel
plays Spike

Claudia Wells
plays Jennifer Parker

Claudia Wells as Jennifer Parker

Claudia Wells (born July 5, 1966 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) is an American actress and businesswoman, best known for ...

See Claudia Wells's other roles

Piotr Michael
plays Dr. Emmett Brown

Piotr Michael as Dr. Emmett Brown

Piotr Michael is an actor, comedian and voice artist born in Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, ...

See Piotr Michael's other roles

Max Weisz
plays Max

Donald Fullilove
plays Goldie Wilson

Donald Fullilove as Goldie Wilson

Donald Fullilove was born on May 16, 1958 and is currently 66 years old.

See Donald Fullilove's other roles

Annette Bernard
plays Spike Clone

Aaron Burns
plays Devin McFly

Crew of Back to the 2015 Future

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