Cast and Crew of Army of the Damned

Cast of
Army of the Damned

About Army of the Damned

  • Released on November 07, 2013
  • Horror

The filming of a hit reality TV show goes horribly wrong when a group of small town cops respond to a call that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, domestic disturbance.

Full Cast of Army of the Damned

Tony Todd
plays Jackson

Tony Todd as Jackson

An American actor and producer, known for his height (6'5", 1.96 m) and deep voice. He is well known for playing the ...

See Tony Todd's other roles

Michael Berryman
plays Crazy Earl

Sully Erna
plays Bridge

Joey Fatone
plays Dave

Joey Fatone as Dave

Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. is an American singer, dancer, actor, and television personality. He is best known as a mem...

See Joey Fatone's other roles

Tom Paolino
plays Sobecheck

Jackie Moore
plays Kayla

Tom Laughlin
plays Carpoza

David Chokachi
plays Rhodes

Nick Principe
plays Donald

Jessica Lussier
plays Little Girl

Joe Siriani
plays Detective Griffith

Mary Louis Kanellis-Bennett
plays Terry

Ben Gracia
plays Smith

Billy 'V' Vigeant
plays Beefcake

James Peracchio
plays Ramon

Anne Mulhall
plays Janice Dispatch

Julie Ann Dawson
plays Laura

Chad Verdi Jr.
plays Jimmy

David Gere
plays Agent Colton

David Gere as Agent Colton

David James Gere grew up in the small town of Cromwell, CT. His mother and sister were tragically killed in a mysteri...

See David Gere's other roles

David Tessier
plays Agent Green

Jasmin St. Claire
plays Agent Hart

Madeline Merritt
plays Patricia Woods

Thea Trinidad
plays Lawson

Crew of Army of the Damned

Discover the backstage crew of Army of the Damned →