Cast of
Are You Still Singing?

About Are You Still Singing?

  • Released on October 11, 2018

Precarious party singer Joy navigates life and an unfilled prescription.

Full Cast of Are You Still Singing?

Joey Ally
plays Joy

Brian Jordan Alvarez
plays Office Manager

Brian Jordan Alvarez as Office Manager

Brian Jordan Alvarez is an American film actor, writer and director.

See Brian Jordan Alvarez's other roles

Jaira Byrams
plays Lauren

Jocelyn DeBoer
plays Mandy

David Gborie
plays Office Birthday Boy

Ian Harding
plays Tim

Parker Iverson
plays Eric

Eric Lampaert
plays Pharmacist

Emily Oeller
plays Homeless Woman

Ellen Yuen
plays Suburban Grandmother

Crew of Are You Still Singing?

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