Cast and Crew of Alias John Preston

Cast of
Alias John Preston

About Alias John Preston

  • Released on December 14, 1955

A mysterious young man settles in a rural English town and immediately starts making a good impression. Before long he has insinuated himself into local life, is married and is serving on the board of the local hospital. Everything seems to be going well for him until a newly appointed consultant psychiatrist shows up and starts asking some probing questions.

Full Cast of Alias John Preston

Betta St. John
plays Sally Sandford

Alexander Knox
plays Dr. Peter Walton

Christopher Lee
plays John Preston

Christopher Lee as John Preston

Christopher Lee was an English actor and musician. Lee initially portrayed villains and became famous for his role as...

See Christopher Lee's other roles

Sandra Dorne
plays Sylvia

Patrick Holt
plays Sylvia's Husband

John Stuart
plays Dr. Underwood

Bill Fraser
plays Joe Newton

Peter Grant
plays Bob Newton

Betty Ann Davies
plays Mrs. Sandford

John Longden
plays Richard Sandford

Crew of Alias John Preston

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