Cast and Crew of Alex & Me

Cast of
Alex & Me

About Alex & Me

  • Released on June 12, 2018
  • Family

An uplifting story of the passion and drive it takes to succeed and the power of family to help realize your dreams.

Full Cast of Alex & Me

James Moses Black
plays Coach Oz

James Moses Black as Coach Oz

James Moses Black was born on September 16, 1962 and is currently 61 years old.

See James Moses Black's other roles

Ava Acres
plays Gia

Ava Acres as Gia

Ava Acres (born May 13, 2004) is an American actress. She played young Regina in Once Upon a Time and also appears in...

See Ava Acres's other roles

Siena Agudong
plays Reagan

Siena Agudong as Reagan

Siena Agudong was born on August 19, 2004 and is currently 19 years old.

See Siena Agudong's other roles

Colin Critchley
plays Ben

Colin Critchley as Ben

Colin Critchley is an American actor, best known for his role in the TV series Super Wings! as Donnie.

See Colin Critchley's other roles