Cast of
Albert's Speech

About Albert's Speech

  • Released on November 20, 2008
  • Comedy

Directed by Richard Fenwick, commissioned and produced by onedotzero and BBC films as part of the prestigious new BBC comedy shorts scheme. Introverted Albert has a speech to deliver. In 18 minutes. For his best friend. In front of 100 people. Welcome to the world of the best man - as seen from the inside out.

Full Cast of Albert's Speech

Nicholas Burns
plays Albert

Nicholas Burns as Albert

Nicholas Burns was born on January 1, 1977 and is currently 47 years old.

See Nicholas Burns's other roles

Stuart Laing
plays Simon

Di Botcher
plays Gloria

Di Botcher as Gloria

Di Botcher is a Welsh film and television actress.

See Di Botcher's other roles

Steve Oram
plays Bibby

Steve Oram as Bibby

Steve Oram was born on August 25, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.

See Steve Oram's other roles

Katie Lyons
plays Camille

Tim Healy
plays Andrew

Michael Kilgarriff
plays Voice of God

Crew of Albert's Speech

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