In the vibrant and dynamic world of Zootopia, where animals of all shapes and sizes coexist in harmony, we are introduced to a determined and ambitious bunny named Judy Hopps. As the first rabbit officer to join the city's police force, Judy is eager to prove herself and make a difference in this metropolis filled with predators and prey living together in an intricate social hierarchy. Despite facing skepticism and discrimination from her peers due to her size and species, Judy remains optimistic and focused on her goal of becoming a successful officer.
One day, Judy's opportunity to shine arrives when she is given the chance to crack her first case, which involves solving the mysterious disappearance of several predator residents. However, there's a catch - she must partner with Nick Wilde, a cunning and smooth-talking fox with a reputation for being a scam artist. Initially, Judy is wary of working with Nick, as foxes and rabbits have a long history of mistrust and hostility in the world of Zootopia. Nevertheless, she decides to put her prejudices aside and team up with him, believing that his street smarts and knowledge of the city's underbelly could be valuable assets in solving the case.
As Judy and Nick delve deeper into the mystery, they discover a sinister plot that threatens the very fabric of Zootopia's harmonious society. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and obstacles that test their partnership and force them to confront their own biases and fears. Through their journey, the duo learns that trust, understanding, and cooperation are the keys to overcoming their differences and achieving their goals. With Judy's unyielding determination and Nick's cunning intellect, the pair makes an unstoppable team that captivates audiences with their wit, charm, and heartwarming friendship.
Don Lake was born on November 26, 1956 and is currently 68 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tommy Chong (born May 24, 1938) is a Canadian-American comedian, actor and mu...
Jonathan Kimble Simmons (born January 9, 1955) is an American actor. He has been cited as one of the greatest contemp...
Octavia Lenora Spencer (born May 25, 1970) is an American actress, author, and producer. She is the recipient of seve...
Alan Wray Tudyk (born March 16, 1971) is an American actor known for his roles as Simon in the British comedy Death a...
Raymond S. Persi was born on February 17, 1975 in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, California, USA . He is known for his work...
Maurice LaMarche (born March 30, 1958) is a Canadian voice actor and former stand up comedian. He is best known for h...
John William DiMaggio is an American voice actor. A native of North Plainfield, New Jersey, he is known for his gruff...
Katie Lowes was born on September 22, 1982 in Queens, New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress and producer, k...
Gita Reddy was born on January 14, 1968 and is currently 56 years old.
Tommy "Tiny" Lister (born Thomas Lister, Jr.; June 24, 1958, died December 10, 2020) was a character actor and former...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Joshua Dallas (born December 18, 1981) is an American actor who played Fandra...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rich Moore is an American animation director and a business partner in Rough ...
Kath Soucie was born on February 20, 1967 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. She is an American voice, film, stage and televisi...
Kristen Bell (born July 18, 1980) is an American actress and voice actress. In 2001, she made her Broadway debut. Af...
Daveed Daniele Diggs (born January 24, 1982) is an American actor, rapper, singer, and songwriter. He is the vocalist...