In the not too distant future a secret government re-animation chemo-virus gets released into conservative Sartre, Nebraska and lands in an underground strip club. As the virus begins to spread, turning the strippers into "Super Zombie Strippers" the girls struggle with whether or not to conform to the new "fad" even if it means there's no turning back.
Jennifer Holland is an American actress. She is known for her work as Emilia Harcourt in the film The Suicide Squad a...
See Jennifer Holland's other roles →Robert Barton Englund (born June 6, 1947) is an American actor and voice-actor, best known for playing the fictional ...
See Robert Englund's other roles →Jenna Marie Massoli (born April 9, 1974), known professionally as Jenna Jameson, is an American model, former pornogr...
See Jenna Jameson's other roles →Jeannette Sousa is an actress and executive.
See Jeannette Sousa's other roles →Adam J. Smith is known for his work on Taken 3 (2014), Zombie Strippers (2008) and Grand Theft Auto V (2013).
See Adam J. Smith's other roles →