Cast of
Zelly and Me

About Zelly and Me

  • Released on April 15, 1988
  • Drama

A young orphan who lives with her grandmother in a large Virginian home infatuates herself with the voices of Joan d'Arc. Her French nanny seeks out the help of a rich suitor to take her and the orphan away when she realizes that the grandmother cannot offer the orphan the love that she needs.

Full Cast of Zelly and Me

Alexandra Johnes
plays Phoebe

Isabella Rossellini
plays Mademoiselle Zelly

Isabella Rossellini as Mademoiselle Zelly

Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini (born 18 June 1952) is an Italian actress, filmmaker, author, philanthr...

See Isabella Rossellini's other roles

Glynis Johns
plays Co-Co

David Lynch
plays Willie

David Lynch as Willie

David Keith Lynch (born January 20, 1946) is an American filmmaker, painter, visual artist, musician, and writer. Kno...

See David Lynch's other roles

Joe Morton
plays Earl

Joe Morton as Earl

Joe Morton is an American stage, television, and film actor. He is best known for his Emmy awarded role as Eli Pope i...

See Joe Morton's other roles

Kaiulani Lee
plays Nora

Lynn Hallowell
plays Waitress

Crew of Zelly and Me

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