The story is set in the future where humanity and the Z/X have entered a treaty and headed towards a moment of peace. Azumi Kagamihara—a girl affiliated with the Blue World—is chosen together with her Partner Z/X Rigel to enroll in Fujimisaki Academy, a school established to gather girls that are partnered with Z/X from all over Japan.
Maria Naganawa is a Japanese voice actress from Aichi Prefecture. She is affiliated with I'm Enterprise.
Inori Minase is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer who made her singing debut in December 2015 under King R...
Miyu Tomita was born on November 15, 1999 and is currently 25 years old.
Yui Ogura is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She is a member of the duo YuiKaori and a former member of the gro...