"Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal" is an exhilarating anime series that revolves around the thrilling world of dueling. The show features a diverse cast of characters, including Tasuku Hatanaka as the spirited and ambitious Yūma Tsukumo, and Miyu Irino as the enigmatic Astral, a visitor from another universe.
Yūma, an aspiring duelist, meets Astral in what seems like a fateful encounter. Astral, with his advanced dueling skills, is the perfect mentor for Yūma, who is eager to learn the ropes of the game. However, their relationship is not without its challenges. Despite their shared goal of helping each other, they often find themselves at odds due to their contrasting personalities and methods.
The duo must quickly learn to work together as they face ZEXAL, a new dueling format that presents greater challenges than ever before. This new dueling arena is filled with fantastic new monsters, powerful new cards, and augmented reality-powered duel technology, all of which elevate the game to a whole new level. The stakes are high, and the dueling duo must rise to the occasion, setting aside their differences to become the greatest tag team in the history of dueling. The series promises an exciting journey filled with intense duels, unexpected twists, and heart-pounding action.
Tasuku Hatanaka is a Japanese actor and voice actor affiliated with Ken Production.
See Tasuku Hatanaka's other roles →Ikuko Tani was born on April 9, 1939 and is currently 85 years old.
See Ikuko Tani's other roles →Koki Uchiyama (内山 昂輝, Uchiyama Kōki, August 16, 1990) is a Japanese actor, voice actor (seiyū) and singer from Saitam...
See Koki Uchiyama's other roles →Tomoaki Maeno is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with Arts Vision.
See Tomoaki Maeno's other roles →