Cast and Crew of Yolk Man

Cast of
Yolk Man

About Yolk Man

  • Released on August 16, 2019

A loser college student was having a really bad day: The girl he was in love with only thought of him as her bestie; and he was diagnosed with terminal cancer with only three months to live. Then an alien life form that looked like a yolk body snatched him. It not only cured his cancer, it gave him super human abilities. But with the happy surprise came danger of extraterrestrial kind. For his friends and love one, he had to overcome his loser mentality and be a hero.

Full Cast of Yolk Man

plays 王楠 (12 episodes)

Xiang Yu
plays 王思达 (12 episodes)

Austin Lin
plays 李致远 (12 episodes)

Austin Lin as 李致远

Austin Lin was born on January 27, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.

See Austin Lin's other roles