Cast of
Willie's Last Stand

About Willie's Last Stand

  • Released on February 23, 1982

Every man needs just one night out, off the leash. Willie's attempt to prove himself provides a painfully funny and painfully sad comment on the battle of the sexes.

Full Cast of Willie's Last Stand

Paul Freeman
plays Willie

Paul Freeman as Willie

Paul Freeman is a British film and television actor.

See Paul Freeman's other roles

Colette O'Neil
plays Lil

Roger Sloman
plays Joe

David Jackson
plays Dennis

Eamon Boland
plays Nick

Diana Davies
plays Bernie

Ray Fell
plays Flash Harry

Frankie Jordan
plays Madge

Carolyn Pickles
plays Jill

Helena McCarthy
plays Mother-in-Law

Luke Kelly
plays Gerry

Reg Lever
plays Drunk

Bob Flag
plays Pub Pianist

Crew of Willie's Last Stand

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