"Corazón salvaje" (Wild Heart) is a captivating Mexican telenovela, skillfully produced by the renowned Salvador Mejía Alejandre in collaboration with Televisa. This remarkable series was first broadcast on the esteemed El Canal de las Estrellas, making its debut on October 12, 2009 at 9:00 pm. It elegantly took the baton from the popular telenovela "Sortilegio", and proceeded to air for a compelling total of 135 episodes, until its grand finale on April 16, 2010. Following the emotional conclusion, "Soy tu dueña" was introduced to fill the vacant airtime.
This enthralling series also made a strong impact on television viewers in the United States, beginning its journey on February 22, 2010 on Univisión at 9:00 pm. It once again had the honor of replacing "Sortilegio", which was a testament to its potential to captivate audiences. Initially, it kept its prime time position, but a significant shift occurred on April 26, when "Corazón salvaje" was moved to the midnight time slot at 12:00 am. Despite this change, the telenovela continued to enchant audiences with its compelling storyline and unforgettable characters.
Speaking of characters, "Wild Heart" boasts an array of charismatic and complex personas, with Osvaldo Ríos taking on the role of Juan de Dios San Román and Eduardo Yáñez portraying the enigmatic Juan del Diablo. The telenovela is a whirlwind of emotions, featuring a dazzling blend of love, betrayal, and redemption, all with the backdrop of a charmingly tumultuous romance. The captivating performances of the leads, and their on-screen chemistry are the driving force behind the success of "Corazón salvaje." Both Ríos and Yáñez deliver an authentic and engaging portrayal of their respective characters, adding depth and intrigue to the multifaceted plot. With a cast this talented, it is no wonder that audiences on both sides of the border found themselves enthralled by this wildly exhilarating telenovela.