In the captivating show, "Wild Eyed and Wicked," Molly Kunz delivers a compelling performance as the resilient and determined Lily Pierce. Haunted by her past, Lily yearns for a way to break free from her torment and find peace in her life. She seeks solace in the most unexpected of places – her estranged father, a former history professor with a tarnished reputation, portrayed by the talented Michael X. Sommers. As Greg Pierce, Sommers brings depth and complexity to his character, making him an essential part of Lily's journey towards freedom.
Compelled by the desire to rid herself of her haunting past, Lily decides to reach out to her estranged father. Despite their strained relationship, she hopes that he can provide her with the knowledge and strength she needs to confront her fears head-on. Drawing upon his expertise in history and fascination with the medieval era, Greg begins to teach Lily about the age of steel and blade. In this bygone era, proud knights donned their armor and set off to face their monsters, quite literally, in duels to the death.
As Lily delves deeper into the tales of these courageous knights, she discovers a parallel between their battles and her own struggles. Inspired by their unwavering bravery, she becomes determined to harness their warrior spirit and apply it to her own life. By reconnecting with her father and tapping into this ancient power, Lily embarks on a transformative journey that will ultimately lead her to conquer her fears and reclaim her life. As the story unfolds, viewers are captivated by the rich history, engaging characters, and the thrilling exploration of emotional healing and self-discovery.