Cast of
Up Rising

About Up Rising

  • Released on June 25, 2000

Sitcom set in a pretty village, but with very different inhabitants - including: a retired professional, his refined wife, a wealthy but tasteless couple, 'alternative lifestyle' followers, a lawyer, and a drunkard farmer. Lots of ridiculous situations, mix-ups, and double-entendres.

Full Cast of Up Rising

Nicola Pagett

Michelle Collins
plays Maxine Gaines (5 episodes)

Michelle Collins as Maxine Gaines

Michelle Danielle Collins (born 28 May 1960) is a British actress best known for her roles on television in the BBC s...

See Michelle Collins's other roles

Kevin McNally

Kevin McNally

Kevin McNally was born on April 27, 1956, in Bristol, England. He grew up in Birmingham where he attended Redhill and...

See Kevin McNally's other roles

Anton Rodgers

Sofiya Smirnova

Crew of Up Rising

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