In the chilling film "Unfriended," audiences are introduced to a group of six high school friends who are caught in an extraordinary and terrifying situation during a video chat. The story centers around Blaire Lilly, portrayed by Shelley Hennig, and her close-knit circle of friends. One fateful night, as they connect over a Skype call, they receive an unexpected and unsettling message from Laura Barns, a classmate who tragically took her own life exactly one year prior. Initially brushing it off as a prank or a cruel joke, the friends soon find themselves unraveling in the face of a supernatural force that has returned to unsettle their lives.
As the chilling night unfolds, the playful banter of their conversation takes a dark turn when Laura, represented in the chat by her haunting "billie227" alias, begins to expose the darkest secrets of each friend. In a gripping exploration of guilt and betrayal, the group becomes increasingly horrified as their past transgressions are laid bare. What once seemed like innocent fun morphs into a nerve-wracking ordeal as they realize that they are not merely speaking with a ghostly apparition, but rather confronting the very consequences of their actions. The stakes escalate quickly, transforming the friendly video chat into a deadly game of survival.
With a masterful blend of suspense and horror, "Unfriended" delves into themes of friendship, morality, and the impact of digital communication. As the friends grapple with their fears, they come to understand that their connection to Laura runs deeper than they initially believed. The film's innovative approach to storytelling, delivered entirely through a computer screen, leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, questioning the very nature of trust and responsibility in the age of technology. As the night wears on, it becomes evident that they are not just playing a game; they are fighting for their lives against an entity that seeks vengeance for past wrongs.
Moses Storm was born on May 6, 1990 and is currently 34 years old.
Will Peltz was born on May 30, 1986 and is currently 38 years old.
Gregory Michael Cipes (born January 4, 1980) is an American voice and film actor. He is also a singer, musician, comp...