Unfabulous is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The series is about an "unfabulous" 7th Grade middle school student named Addie Singer, played by Emma Roberts. The show, which debuted in late summer 2004, was one of the most-watched programs in the United States among children between the age of 10 and 16 and was created by Sue Rose, who previously created the animated series Pepper Ann and Angela Anaconda.
Jessica Leigh Stroup (born October 23, 1986) is an American actress and fashion model. She is best known for her role...
See Jessica Stroup's other roles →Chelsea Tavares was born on September 22, 1991 and is currently 32 years old.
See Chelsea Tavares's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Malese Jow (born Elizabeth Melise Jow; February 18, 1991) is an American actr...
See Melise's other roles →Markus Flanagan (born August 20, 1964) is an American actor.
See Markus Flanagan's other roles →Emma Degerstedt was born on April 13, 1992 and is currently 32 years old.
See Emma Degerstedt's other roles →Carter Mark Jenkins (born September 4, 1991) is an American actor.
See Carter Jenkins's other roles →Chris Brochu (born June 25, 1989 in Washington, D.C.) is an American actor and singer-songwriter, older brother of Do...
See Chris Brochu's other roles →Molly Hagan is an American film and television actress.
See Molly Hagan's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sean M. Whalen (born May 19, 1964) is an American film, television, and stage...
See Sean Whalen's other roles →Jordan Calloway was born on October 18, 1990 and is currently 33 years old.
See Jordan Calloway's other roles →Allie Gonino was born on March 30, 1990 and is currently 34 years old.
See Allie Gonino's other roles →Emma Rose Roberts (born February 10, 1991) is an American actress and singer. After making her acting debut in the cr...
See Emma Roberts's other roles →American actress and singer Scout Taylor-Compton began her acting career in 1998, with an appearance in the film A.W....
See Scout Taylor-Compton's other roles →Miranda Taylor Cosgrove (born May 14, 1993) is an American actress, singer and songwriter. Her career began at the ag...
See Miranda Cosgrove's other roles →