In the captivating world of "True Beauty", we are introduced to a diverse and engaging cast, led by the talented Moon Ga-young who masterfully portrays the character of Lim Ju-kyung. Ju-kyung is an ordinary high school student, grappling with the universal struggle of self-image and acceptance, which becomes a central theme in her journey. Since her childhood, she has harbored a complex about her appearance, a sentiment echoed by many viewers who can relate to her struggle with self-perception.
To shield herself from the scrutiny she fears, Ju-kyung has cultivated an exceptional talent for makeup artistry. Her make-up skills are nothing short of transformative, turning her into a radiant beauty that is admired by her peers. However, this external transformation does not immediately resolve her internal struggle. She continues to conceal her bare face from the world, a symbol of her ongoing fight to accept herself as she is.
The story takes an intriguing turn as Ju-kyung finds herself in a unique love triangle with two equally compelling characters - Lee Su-ho, played by Cha Eun-woo, and Han Seo-jun. Lee Su-ho is a charismatic and popular student with a mysterious aura. Han Seo-jun, on the other hand, is a rebellious and passionate individual, adding another layer of complexity to Ju-kyung's journey of self-discovery and love. As she navigates through her relationships with these two men, Ju-kyung learns more about herself and begins to see the true beauty that lies within her, beyond her meticulously applied makeup.
Jang Hye-jin (Korean: 장혜진; born September 5, 1975), is a South Korean actress. She is best known internationally for ...
Lee Sang-jin was born on January 13, 1992 and is currently 32 years old.
Ahn Sang-woo was born on November 25, 1976 and is currently 48 years old.
Kim Byung-choon was born on June 13, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.
Jang Young-hyeon was born on July 2, 1993 and is currently 31 years old.
Kim Hye-yoon is a South Korean actress and model. She first became known through her portrayal as Kang Ye-seo in JTBC...
Korean actor.