"Tokyo Revengers" is a thrilling time-travel anime that follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a down-on-his-luck freelancer who has reached the depths of despair in his life. Takemichi's life takes a dramatic turn when he learns of the tragic death of his middle school girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, at the hands of the notorious Tokyo Manji Gang. This news sends Takemichi into a spiral of regret and despair, but little does he know that his life is about to take an even more unexpected turn.
In a bizarre turn of events, Takemichi is pushed onto the train tracks in a crowded station, expecting to meet his end. But when he opens his eyes, he finds himself transported back in time 12 years, giving him a chance to relive his past and potentially change the course of his life. Takemichi is determined to make the most of this second chance and sets his sights on getting revenge on his life by infiltrating the Tokyo Manji Gang and protecting Hinata from harm.
The characters in "Tokyo Revengers" are brought to life through the talented voice acting of Yuuki Shin as Takemichi Hanagaki and Azumi Waki as Hinata Tachibana. These two actors bring depth and emotion to their characters, making it easy for viewers to become invested in their story. With its unique premise, compelling characters, and thrilling action, "Tokyo Revengers" is a must-watch for fans of anime and time-travel stories alike. The show will keep you on the edge of your seat as Takemichi navigates the treacherous waters of the Tokyo Manji Gang and fights to change his fate.
Tokyo Revengers ran for
2 seasons.
Full Cast of Tokyo Revengers
Yuuki Shin
as Takemichi Hanagaki (voice) (50 episodes)
Yuuki Shin delivers an exceptional performance as Takemichi Hanagaki in the hit TV series "Tokyo Revengers," breathing life into the complex and dynamic character. His vocal range and emotional depth truly capture Takemichi's transformation from a disheartened, downtrodden individual to a determined and resilient hero. Shin's portrayal is not only captivating but also essential in immersing viewers in Takemichi's gripping journey, as he travels through time to save his loved ones and make amends for his past mistakes. The partnership between Shin and Takemichi undoubtedly results in an unforgettable and enthralling viewing experience.
Azumi Waki
as Hinata Tachibana (voice) (50 episodes)
Azumi Waki delivers a standout performance as Hinata Tachibana in the popular TV series "Tokyo Revengers." Her captivating voice acting brings warmth, sincerity, and vulnerability to the character, making viewers instantly empathize with Hinata's situation. Waki's portrayal highlights Hinata's strong, caring nature and her unwavering loyalty towards her loved ones. The chemistry between Waki's Hinata and the rest of the characters in the show is palpable, further emphasizing her integral role within the story. Whether delivering heart-wrenching emotional moments or sharing lighthearted banter, Waki's talent shines and makes Hinata truly unforgettable.
Ryota Osaka
as Naoto Tachibana (voice) (50 episodes)
Ryota Osaka's performance as Naoto Tachibana in "Tokyo Revengers" is captivating and authentic. His voice acting breathes life into the character, making Naoto's determination, intelligence, and emotional turmoil palpable. Osaka's delivery is nuanced and powerful, perfectly capturing Naoto's transformation from a meek and timid teenager to a brave and confident young man. His interactions with other characters are filled with depth and subtlety, making Naoto a standout character in the series, thanks in no small part to Osaka's exceptional talent.
Yuu Hayashi
as Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano (voice) (50 episodes)
Yuu Hayashi's portrayal of Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano in the anime series "Tokyo Revengers" is nothing short of captivating. His voice acting brings out the complex character of Mikey, a charismatic and influential leader of the Tokyo Manji Gang, who despite his tough exterior, has a deeply emotional and sensitive side. Hayashi's performance masterfully oscillates between the raw intensity and vulnerability of Mikey, adding multiple layers to his character and making him one of the most compelling characters in the series. His ability to inject sincerity and authenticity into his voice acting not only makes the character of Mikey more relatable but also leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
as Ken 'Doraken' Ryuguji (voice) (50 episodes)
In the gripping TV series "Tokyo Revengers," Tatsuhisa Suzuki delivers a captivating performance as Ken 'Doraken' Ryuguji, a stern-faced, charismatic high school delinquent whose menacing aura belies a loyal and compassionate spirit. Suzuki's vocal talents breathe life into Doraken's slightly unhinged yet endearing character, effortlessly switching between his violent and softer moments, ensuring viewers feel the emotional impact of his character's inner turmoil and camaraderie. The nuanced performance adds to the immersive experience of the series, making Doraken one of the most unforgettable characters in "Tokyo Revengers."
Takuma Terashima
as Atsushi Sendo (voice) (50 episodes)
Takuma Terashima's voice performance as Atsushi Sendo in 'Tokyo Revengers' is nothing short of exceptional. As the fierce and loyal first division captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang, Terashima brings Atsushi to life with his rich and resonant voice, effortlessly capturing the character's unwavering determination and intense charisma. His delivery is filled with raw power and dynamic energy, making it a standout performance that greatly contributes to the overall impact of this thrilling anime series.
Crew of Tokyo Revengers
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backstage crew of Tokyo Revengers →