Then Came You is a half-hour sitcom that aired on ABC for two months from March 22, 2000 to April 26, 2000. The show dealt with the romantic relationship between a young man and an older woman. It starred Susan Floyd, Thomas Newton, and Desmond Askew.
This was not the first time ABC greenlighted a sitcom with this title; Then Came You was also the proposed title for the show that ultimately became the 1980s sitcom Webster. The title of the short-lived ABC TV series was taken from The Spinners 1974 song of the same name.
Riccardo Dario Scamarcio (born 13 November 1979) is an Italian actor and film producer.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Miriam Shor (born July 25, 1971) is an American film and television actress. ...
Susan Floyd was born on May 13, 1968 and is currently 56 years old.
Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers (born October 1, 1989), known professionally as Brie Larson, is an American actress and f...