Cast and Crew of The Young Philadelphians

Cast of
The Young Philadelphians

About The Young Philadelphians

  • Released on May 21, 1959
  • Drama

Up and coming young lawyer Anthony Lawrence faces several ethical and emotional dilemmas as he climbs the Philadelphia social ladder. His personal and professional skills are tested as he tries to balance the needs of his fiance Joan, the expectations of his colleagues and his own obligation to defend his friend Chester on a murder count.

Full Cast of The Young Philadelphians

Paul Newman
plays Anthony Judson Lawrence

Paul Newman as Anthony Judson Lawrence

Paul Leonard Newman (January 26, 1925 – September 26, 2008) was an American actor, film director, entrepreneur, human...

See Paul Newman's other roles

Barbara Rush
plays Joan Dickinson

Alexis Smith
plays Carol Wharton

Brian Keith
plays Mike Flanagan

Diane Brewster
plays Kate Judson Lawrence

Billie Burke
plays Mrs. J. Arthur Allen

John Williams
plays Gilbert Dickinson

Robert Vaughn
plays Chester A. 'Chet' Gwynn

Robert Vaughn as Chester A. 'Chet' Gwynn

Robert Francis Vaughn, Ph.D. (November 22, 1932 – November 11, 2016) was an American actor noted for stage, film and ...

See Robert Vaughn's other roles

Otto Kruger
plays John Marshall Wharton

Paul Picerni
plays Louis Donetti

Robert Douglas
plays Uncle Morton Stearnes

Frank Conroy
plays Doctor Shippen Stearnes

Adam West
plays William Lawrence III

Adam West as William Lawrence III

Adam West (September 19, 1928 - June 9, 2017) was an American actor best known for his lead role in the Batman (1966–...

See Adam West's other roles

Richard Deacon
plays George Archibald

Helen Jay
plays Floozy

Al McGranary
plays Judge

Crew of The Young Philadelphians

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