The Three-Eyed One is a romance SF manga by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 7 July 1974 through 19 March 1978 and was later published into thirteen tankōbon by Kodansha. This story is about Hosuke Sharaku, the heir to the long lost super civilization of the "Three Eyed Ones", and his best friend, Chiyoko Wato, with whom he solves various problems, often of his own doing.
In 1977, The Three-Eyed One tied with another Tezuka manga, Black Jack, for the Kodansha Manga Award. The manga has since spawned a TV special by Shueisha and later an anime whose 48 episodes ran from 18 October 1990 through 26 September 1991. The main character appears in three video games: Mittsume ga Tooru by Natsume on the MSX in 1989, Mittsume ga Tooru/The Three-Eyed One by Tomy on the NES in 1992, Astro Boy: Omega Factor by Sega on the Game Boy Advance and Astro Boy by Sega on the PlayStation 2.
Kazue Ikura (伊倉 一恵, Ikura Kazue, born March 23, 1959) is a Japanese actress, voice actress, and narrator from Ueda, N...
See Kazue Ikura's other roles →Kenichi Ogata (緒方 賢一) is a Japanese voice actor.
See Kenichi Ogata's other roles →Naoko Matsui (松井 菜桜子), born Naoko Ogawa (小川 菜桜子), is a Japanese voice actress.
See Naoko Matsui's other roles →Takehito Koyasu is a Japanese voice actor. Koyasu is part of the voice actor quartet Weiß consisting of Weiß Kreuz vo...
See Takehito Koyasu's other roles →Show Hayami, born as Yasushi Ohama, is a Japanese voice actor and singer. He is married to voice actress Rei Igarashi...
See Show Hayami's other roles →