The Super Milk Chan Show, known in Japan as OH! Super Milk Chan, is an anime comedy about a foul-mouthed girl named Milk P. Chan, who is entrusted by the President of Everything to defend the world, even though she can do very little besides making popular culture references. Its American slogan, as a result, became "Wholesome? Probably not. Good for you? Definitely."
Super Milk Chan is produced in Japan by Studio Pierrot. The North American DVD release by A.D. Vision features two different English-dubbed versions: a straight translation of the Japanese version and an Americanized version with western pop culture references and short live-action skits featuring ADV voice cast members.
Nobuo Tobita is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with Arts Vision. He uses the alias Saburou Gouno for his work on a...
See Nobuo Tobita's other roles →Yuko Minaguchi is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Aoni Production.
See Yuko Minaguchi's other roles →Ryoka Yuzuki is a Japanese voice actress. She used to do a lot of live action work when she was a teen under the name...
See Ryoka Yuzuki's other roles →Cho was born on December 15, 1957 and is currently 66 years old.
See Cho's other roles →