Cast and Crew of The Stöned Age

Cast of
The Stöned Age

About The Stöned Age

  • Released on December 05, 1994
  • Comedy

Determined to avoid another night of driving aimlessly around Torrance in the Blue Torpedo, Joe and Hubbs set out on a quest for fine chicks. Their paths soon cross with Tack, from whom they learn about a pair of foreign radical chicks hanging out near the Frankie Avalon place. Over Joe's objections, Hubbs worms Tack out of the deal, and the pair take a slow ride toward their destiny.

Full Cast of The Stöned Age

Michael Kopelow
plays Joe

China Kantner
plays Jill

Renee Griffin
plays Lanie

Clifton Collins Jr.
plays Tack

Clifton Collins Jr. as Tack

Clifton Collins Jr. is an American film and television actor, best known for playing student Cesar Sanchez opposite s...

See Clifton Collins Jr.'s other roles

David Groh
plays Dad

Michael Wiseman
plays Crump's Brother

Bradford Tatum
plays Hubbs

Kevin Kilner
plays Officer Dean

Kevin Kilner as Officer Dean

Kevin Kilner is an American actor who is best known for his roles in the television series Earth: Final Conflict, Alm...

See Kevin Kilner's other roles

Taylor Negron
plays Liquor Store Employee

Taylor Negron as Liquor Store Employee

Brad Stephen "Taylor" Negron (August 1, 1957 – January 10, 2015) was an American actor. He is perhaps best known for ...

See Taylor Negron's other roles

Crew of The Stöned Age

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