Cast of
The Retcon Chronicles

About The Retcon Chronicles

  • Released on March 14, 2014

A group of super heroes rallies in the face of a greedy corporation.

Full Cast of The Retcon Chronicles

Kylie Contreary
plays Phantom Faye (1 episode)

Hidekun Hah
plays Ken the Specialist (1 episode)

Michael Huntsman
plays Subject-0 (1 episode)

Tom Ito
plays King (1 episode)

Andrea-Nichole Olivas
plays Madeline Hess (1 episode)

Andrea-Nichole Olivas as Madeline Hess

Andrea-Nichole was born in Phoenix, Arizona to Mother Darlene Olivas. At a young age Andrea-Nichole and her mother mo...

See Andrea-Nichole Olivas's other roles

Dominique Storelli
plays Kayla the Centurion (1 episode)

Robert Tovani
plays The Avenger (1 episode)

Crew of The Retcon Chronicles

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