Cast and Crew of The Polar Express

The Polar Express

In "The Polar Express," a captivating and heartwarming tale unfolds as a skeptical young boy, voiced by Daryl Sabara, is chosen for an unforgettable train journey. The Polar Express, a mystical train helmed by a charismatic conductor, is voiced by veteran actor Tom Hanks. The movie takes on a unique character as it brings to life the exceptional illustrations from the 1985 Caldecott Medal-winning book of the same name by Chris Van Allsburg.

As the boy embarks on the remarkable train ride, he is joined by a host of interesting characters with different personalities. These include Earl Billings as the strict and perceptive Principal Phil Huffy, and Brooke Burns as the caring and gentle Lisa Germain. The other passengers include Hero Boy (Daryl Sabara), who is the protagonist in search of wonder, Know-It-All (Eddie Deezen), who appears wise but possesses a doubtful demeanor, and Lonely Boy (Peter Scolari), who yearns for companionship.

Throughout the enchanting adventure to the North Pole, the boy learns many valuable lessons about life, friendship, and the enduring power of wonder. When he finally encounters Santa Claus (also voiced by Tom Hanks), the boy is gifted with a magical sleigh bell as a symbol of his journey. The movie impresses upon its viewers that the splendor of life is forever present for those who maintain their sense of curiosity and an open heart to believe in the impossible.

The Polar Express is part of the The Polar Express Collection.

Full Cast of The Polar Express

Tom Hanks as Hero Boy / Father / Conductor / Hobo / Scrooge / Santa Claus

Tom Hanks

as Hero Boy / Father / Conductor / Hobo / Scrooge / Santa Claus

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks (born July 9, 1956) is an American actor and filmmaker. Known for both his comedic and dramatic ...

Brooke Burns as Lisa Germain

Brooke Burns

as Lisa Germain (7 episodes)

Brooke Elizabeth Burns (born March 16, 1978) is an American fashion model, game show host, actress, and television pe...

Peter Scolari as Billy - Lonely Boy

Peter Scolari

as Billy - Lonely Boy

Peter Thomas Scolari (September 12, 1955 – October 22, 2021) was an American actor. He is best known for his roles as...

Josh Hutcherson as Hero Boy

Josh Hutcherson

as Hero Boy

Joshua Ryan "Josh" Hutcherson (born October 12, 1992) is an American film and television actor. He began working in t...

Daryl Sabara as Hero Boy (voice)

Daryl Sabara

as Hero Boy (voice)

Daryl Sabara (born June 14, 1992) is an American film and television actor, best known for playing Juni Cortez in the...

Brendan King

as Pastry Chef

Andy Pellick

as Pastry Chef

Josh Eli

as Waiter

Mark Mendonca

as Waiter

Rolondas Hendricks

as Waiter

Jon Scott

as Waiter

Sean Scott

as Waiter
Gordon Hart as Waiter

Gordon Hart

as Waiter

Gordon Hart was born on May 26, 1975 and is currently 49 years old.

Chris Coppola as Toothless Boy / Elf

Chris Coppola

as Toothless Boy / Elf

Chris Coppola is an American actor. Coppola is best known for such films as Friday the 13th, Far Cry, Postal, Lovele...

Julene Renee as Red Head Girl / Elf

Julene Renee

as Red Head Girl / Elf

Julene Renee-Preciado (born November 11, 1969) is an American actress who voiced Billy and Ruby Biggle starting with ...

Steven Tyler as Elf Lieutenant / Elf Singer

Steven Tyler

as Elf Lieutenant / Elf Singer

Steven Tyler is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and former television music competition judge, ...

Mark Povinelli as Elf

Mark Povinelli

as Elf

Mark Povinelli is an actor and stunt.

André Sogliuzzo as Smokey / Steamer (voice)

André Sogliuzzo

as Smokey / Steamer (voice)

André Sogliuzzo was born on August 10, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.

Eric Newton

as Acrobatic Elf

Aidan O'Shea

as Acrobatic Elf

Bee Jay Joyer

as Acrobatic Elf

Devin Henderson

as Acrobatic Elf

Sagiv Ben-Binyamin

as Acrobatic Elf
Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak as Know-It-All

Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak

as Know-It-All

Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak was born on February 16, 1996 and is currently 28 years old.

Rodger Bumpass as Wolves (uncredited)

Rodger Bumpass

as Wolves (uncredited)

Rodger Albert Bumpass (born November 20, 1951) is an American character actor and voice actor Noted as his long-runni...

Chad Broskey

as Shane (1 episode)

Diego J. Torres

as The Student (1 episode)

Crew of The Polar Express

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