Cast and Crew of The Paddy Lincoln Gang

Cast of
The Paddy Lincoln Gang

About The Paddy Lincoln Gang

  • Released on August 25, 2014
  • Drama

The Paddy Lincoln Gang are a rock band with everything - as well as total immersion in sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. But their charismatic lead singer holds a dark secret from his past, a secret that is about to explode.

Full Cast of The Paddy Lincoln Gang

Dean S. Jagger
plays Rob McAlister

Dean S. Jagger as Rob McAlister

Born in Staincliffe hospital in Dewsbury, England, Dean's family from his mothers side heritage is of Gaelic descent ...

See Dean S. Jagger's other roles

Amy Argyle
plays Leyla Dufresne

Amy Argyle as Leyla Dufresne

Amy Argyle was born on July 21, 1979 and is currently 44 years old.

See Amy Argyle's other roles

Crew of The Paddy Lincoln Gang

Discover the backstage crew of The Paddy Lincoln Gang →