A groundbreaking series that brings America's most award-winning magazine, The New Yorker, to the screen with documentaries, short narrative films, comedy, poetry, animation, and cartoons from the hands of acclaimed filmmakers and artists.
Roz Chast was born on November 26, 1954 and is currently 70 years old.
Paul Edward Valentine Giamatti (born June 6, 1967) is an American actor. Giamatti began his career as a supporting ac...
Holland Virginia Taylor (born January 14, 1943) is an American actress. She won the 1999 Primetime Emmy Award for Out...
James Eugene Carrey (born January 17, 1962) is a Canadian and American actor, comedian, writer, and producer. Known f...
Growing up in Baltimore in the 1950s, John Waters was not like other children; he was obsessed by violence and gore, ...