Cast of
The Myth-Makers

About The Myth-Makers

  • Released on January 01, 1974
  • Drama

Eighteen years after the failure of the revolution and freedom fighting 1848-49, the politicians of Hungary preparing for a compromise with Austria try to make use of the symbol of the revolution, the figure of the poet Petőfi Sándor, to their own advantage. They visit all the memorial sites, find the witnesses and recall the famous events. Memories and political intentions conflict with each other, and the circumstances of the poet's death cannot be reconstructed entirely.

Full Cast of The Myth-Makers

Károly Kovács

Károly Kovács

Károly Kovács was born on January 19, 1902 and passed away 33 years ago at the age of 88 on December 10, 1990.

See Károly Kovács's other roles