The story centers around millionaire Daisuke Kambe, the heir to one of the wealthiest families in Japan, who is assigned as a detective to the Modern Crime Prevention Task Force (aka MCPTF), at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Taking full advantage of his vast family wealth, he spares no expense in solving complex crimes, and has the tendency to evaluate everything including individual human lives in terms of their monetary value. Haru Kato, a detective with a compassionate heart who believes that money isn’t everything, is chosen as Kambe’s partner but is repulsed by his materialistic attitude. Having diametrically opposing personalities, witness how the two join forces to tackle seemingly unsolvable crimes and mysteries!
Mamoru Miyano is a Japanese voice actor and singer. He has also appeared as Prince Ismir in the stage production "Cre...
Rikiya Koyama is a Japanese actor and voice actor who is a member of Haiyuza Theatre Company. He has done popular voi...
Kozo Shioya is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with Aoni Production.
Reina Ueda was born on January 17, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.
Junya Enoki was born on October 19, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.
Maaya Sakamoto is a Japanese voice actress and singer. She made her debut as a voice actress in 1992 as the voice of ...
Kentaro Kumagai was born on February 16, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.
Shinya Takahashi (高橋 伸也, Takahashi Shinya, born December 5, 2015) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and moderator b...
Akira Kamiya (神谷 明, Kamiya Akira, born September 18, 1946) is a Japanese actor, voice actor, singer and narrator. His...
Kazuyuki Okitsu is a Japanese voice actor and narrator. After he graduated from the Osaka University of Arts he was i...