Each episode follows Fukuzou Moguro, a traveling salesman, and his current customer. Moguro deals in things that give his customers their heart's desire, and once his deals are made and their unhealthy desires are satisfied, Moguro's customers are often left with terrible repercussions, especially if they break the rules of his deals...
Shin-ichiro Miki is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce and most known for his role as Kojiro (James) i...
Wataru Hatano is a Japanese voice actor and singer affiliated with 81 Produce. At the 2nd Seiyu Awards in 2008, Hatan...
Toshihiko Seki was born on June 11, 1962 and is currently 62 years old.
Soma Saito (斉藤 壮馬, Saitō Sōma) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81Produce.
Masaharu Maeda (前田 正治, Maeda Masaharu), known by the stage name Shigeru Chiba (千葉 繁, Chiba Shigeru), is a Japanese ac...
Kouki Miyata (宮田 幸季, Miyata Kōki, born October 9, 1972) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce. His for...
Takuya Eguchi is a Japanese voice actor and singer from Setagaya, Tokyo. He is affiliated with 81 Produce. He has voi...
Tessyo Genda (玄田 哲章 Genda Tesshō, born May 20, 1948 in Okayama Prefecture) is a Japanese voice actor, affiliated with...
Kenta Miyake is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce.