Cast and Crew of The Lady in the Portrait

Cast of
The Lady in the Portrait

About The Lady in the Portrait

  • Released on December 20, 2017
  • Drama

An empress commissions a painting of herself from a French outsider in hopes of stirring her husband's interest in this lavish period piece. The Lady in the Portrait is a period yarn evoking the unique rapport between a French missionary and the Manchurian Empress whose portrait he's ordered to paint.

Full Cast of The Lady in the Portrait

Melvil Poupaud
plays Jean Denis Attiret

Fan Bingbing
plays Impératrice Ulanara

Wu Yue
plays Yi

King Shih-Chieh
plays Chen

Huang Jue
plays Qing Long

Thibault de Montalembert
plays Castiglione

Thibault de Montalembert as Castiglione

Thibault Charles Marie Septime de Montalembert (born 10 February 1962) is a French theatre, film and television actor...

See Thibault de Montalembert's other roles

Féodor Atkine
plays Paul

Crew of The Lady in the Portrait

Discover the backstage crew of The Lady in the Portrait →