Cast of
The Ladies

About The Ladies

  • Released on July 23, 2022
  • Comedy

Emma scrambles to hide an affair with her grandma’s best friend from her grieving grandma and nosy cousin.

Full Cast of The Ladies

Lisa Ann Walter
plays Blanche

Alexis G. Zall
plays Emma

Jaren Lewison
plays Josh

Jaren Lewison as Josh

Jaren Lewison was born on December 9, 2000 and is currently 23 years old.

See Jaren Lewison's other roles

Annie Korzen
plays Pearl

Annie Korzen as Pearl

Annie Korzen is an American film and television actress and writer, best known for her role as the obnoxious neighbor...

See Annie Korzen's other roles

Crew of The Ladies

Discover the backstage crew of The Ladies →