Cast and Crew of The Iron Petticoat

Cast of
The Iron Petticoat

About The Iron Petticoat

  • Released on September 01, 1956
  • Comedy

Captain Vinka Kovalenko defects from Russia, but not for political reasons. She defects because she feels discriminated against as a woman. Captain Chuck Lockwood gets the order to show her the bright side of capitalism, while she tries to convince him of the superiority of communism. Naturally, they fall in love, but there's still the KGB, which doesn't like the idea of having a defected Russian officer running around in London.

Full Cast of The Iron Petticoat

Bob Hope
plays Captain Chuck Lockwood

Bob Hope as Captain Chuck Lockwood

Leslie Townes "Bob" Hope KBE, KC*SG, KSS (May 29, 1903 – July 27, 2003) was an American comedian, actor, and entertai...

See Bob Hope's other roles

Katharine Hepburn
plays Captain Vinka Kovalenko

Noelle Middleton
plays Lady Constance Warburton-Watts

James Robertson Justice
plays Colonel Vladimir Denisovich Sklarnoff

Robert Helpmann
plays Ivan Kropotkin

David Kossoff
plays Dr. Anton Antonovich Dubratz

Alan Gifford
plays Colonel Newton Tarbell

Nicholas Phipps
plays Tony Mallard

Sid James
plays Paul

Alexander Gauge
plays Senator Howley

Sandra Dorne
plays Tityana

Richard Wattis
plays Lingerie Clerk

Tutte Lemkow
plays Sutsiyawa

Tutte Lemkow as Sutsiyawa

Tutte Lemkow was born on August 28, 1918 in Oslo, Norway. He is known for his work on Les aventuriers de l'arche perd...

See Tutte Lemkow's other roles

Martin Boddey
plays Grisha

Olaf Pooley
plays Major Osip Feodor Ganovich

Richard Leech
plays Alex

Eugene Deckers
plays Bartender

Crew of The Iron Petticoat

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