The "pleasant horror gag comedy" centers around the life of Tatami-chan, a sardonic ghost from Iwate Prefecture who is now living in Tokyo among other spirits, supernatural entities, and humans. In addition to dealing with otherworldly matters, the unemployed Tatami-chan also has to deal with job-hunting as well as paying for gas, water, and electricity.
Tomokazu Sugita is a Japanese voice actor who was born on October 11, 1980 in Saitama, Japan. Previously affiliated w...
Yoji Ueda (上田 燿司, Ueda Yōji) is a Japanese voice actor formerly affiliated with Mausu Promotion and currently affilia...
Keiji Fujiwara (藤原 啓治, Fujiwara Keiji, October 5, 1964 – April 12, 2020) was a Japanese voice actor. His best known w...
Megumi Satou is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Air Agency. She is not to be confused with the actress Megumi Sato.
Shiori Izawa (井澤 詩織, Izawa Shiori, February 1, 1987) is a Japanese voice actress from Saitama Prefecture. She is affi...