Cast and Crew of The Honorable

Cast of
The Honorable

About The Honorable

Andre has known a lot of war, he comes to Los Angeles to change his life. Taking a job as a nightclub bouncer he learns, that for some men, change is impossible.

Full Cast of The Honorable

Dominique Vandenberg
plays Andre Siegel

Eric Etebari
plays Junior Lopez

Eric Etebari as Junior Lopez

Eric Etebari is an Iranian-American actor, model and musician.

See Eric Etebari's other roles

Sarah Bowen
plays Janie

Marshal Hilton
plays CoCo

Timothy V. Murphy
plays Milo

Timothy V. Murphy as Milo

Timothy V. Murphy was born on April 5, 1960 and is currently 64 years old.

See Timothy V. Murphy's other roles

Nils Allen Stewart
plays Rex

Ike Gingrich
plays Evangelist

Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell was born on September 3, 1963 and is currently 60 years old.

See Malcolm Gladwell's other roles

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Ann Hart Coulter is an American conservative media pundit, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. She became known as a me...

See Ann Coulter's other roles

Crew of The Honorable

Discover the backstage crew of The Honorable →