"The Holdovers" is a heartwarming and thought-provoking movie that centers around the lives of a few individuals during the holiday season. The main character, Paul Hunham, is played by the talented Paul Giamatti. He portrays a grumpy and solitary instructor at a prestigious New England prep school. When the rest of the faculty and students leave for the Christmas break, Paul is left behind to supervise the handful of students who have nowhere else to go.
At first, Paul is less than thrilled about his new responsibilities. He is a man who is used to being alone and prefers it that way. However, as the days go by, he forms an unexpected bond with one of the students, a troubled and intelligent teenager named Angus Tully, played by Dominic Sessa. Angus is a complex character who has had a difficult upbringing and has a history of causing trouble. Despite this, Paul sees something in him that no one else does and the two of them form a connection that transcends their age and background.
Another character that plays a significant role in the movie is the school's head cook, who is dealing with the loss of her son in Vietnam. The three of them, Paul, Angus, and the head cook, form an unlikely trio as they navigate the challenges of the holiday season. Through their interactions, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, forgiveness, and the true meaning of the holidays. With its excellent cast, engaging storyline, and thought-provoking themes, "The Holdovers" is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartfelt and uplifting movie experience.
Gillian Vigman was born on January 28, 1972 in New Jersey, USA. She is an actress and writer, known for Step Brothers...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tate Buckley Donovan (born September 25, 1963) is an American actor. He is mo...